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To install and manage your own node, use the MyTonCtrl open-source tool developed by the TON Foundation. The majority of TON Nodes are reliable and tested by MyTonCtrl.

MyTonCtrl is a console application that is a convenient wrapper for fift, lite-client, and validator-engine-console. It has been specifically developed to streamline wallet, domain, and validator management tasks on the Linux operating system.

Actually, there is MyTonCtrl2 with a lot of improvements (single nominator pool, more checks, etc.).

We are actively seeking feedback about the installation process. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.

General Commands


No args, print help text


No args, clear console


No args, exit from console.


Update mytonctrl. Param combinations:

Format nameFormatExampleDescription
No argsupdateupdateUpdate from current repo
URL formatupdate [https://github.com/author/repo/tree/branch]update https://github.com/ton-blockchain/mytonctrl/tree/mytonctrl2Update from specified URL
Branch Only formatupdate [BRANCH]update mytonctrl2Update from specified branch of current repo
Branch Override formatupdate [https://github.com/authorName/repoName/tree/branchName] [BRANCH]update https://github.com/ton-blockchain/mytonctrl/tree/master mytonctrl2Update from branch specified by second argument of specified repository


Update node. Param combinations:

Format nameFormatExampleDescription
No argsupgradeupgradeUpgrade from current repo
URL formatupgrade [https://github.com/author/repo/tree/branch]upgrade https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton/tree/masterUpgrade from specified URL
Branch Only formatupgrade [BRANCH]upgrade masterUpgrade from specified branch of current repo
Branch Override formatupgrade [https://github.com/authorName/repoName/tree/branchName] [BRANCH]upgrade https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton/tree/master testnetUpgrade from branch specified by second argument of specified repository


Get current mytonctrl and node status. Param combinations:

Format nameFormatExampleDescription
No argsstatusstatusFull status report including validator efficiency and online validators.
Faststatus faststatus fastMust be used on TestNet. Status report without validator efficiency and online validators count.


No args, run the installer of TON modules (script /usr/src/mytonctrl/mytoninstaller.py)


No args, show MTC modes.


No args, show all available settings with their description and values.


Enable a specific mode.

MyTonCtrl> enable_mode <mode_name>


Disable a specific mode.

MyTonCtrl> disable_mode <mode_name>


Provide a description of the specified mode

MyTonCtrl> about <mode_name>


Get the value of a specific setting in JSON format

MyTonCtrl> setting <setting_name>


Set the specified value of a specified setting. Skip setting existence checking if --force enabled

MyTonCtrl> set <setting> <value> [--force]


No args, rollback to mytonctrl 1.0.


Retrieves and prints the JSON representation of the configuration specified by <config-id>

MyTonCtrl> getconfig <config_id>


Retrieves and prints the JSON representation of the pool data specified by <pool-name> or <pool-addr>.

MyTonCtrl> get_pool_data <<pool-name> | <pool-addr>>



Adds a custom overlay with the given <name> using the configuration specified by <path_to_config>

MyTonCtrl> add_custom_overlay <name> <path_to_config>


No args, prints custom overlays


Deletes the custom overlay with the specified <name>

MyTonCtrl> delete_custom_overlay <name>



Votes for the offer specified by <offer-hash>

MyTonCtrl> vo <offer-hash>


No args, vote for election


Votes for the complaint specified by <complaint-hash> in the election specified by <election-id>

MyTonCtrl> vc <<election-id>, <complaint-hash>>

Pool commands


Deposits the specified <amount> to the pool specified by <pool-addr>

MyTonCtrl> deposit_to_pool <pool-addr> <amount>


Withdraws the specified <amount> from the pool specified by <pool-addr>

MyTonCtrl> withdraw_from_pool <pool-addr> <amount>


No args, cleanup validator database


No args, prints table with several tests

Single pool


Creates a new single pool with the specified <pool-name> and <owner-address>

MyTonCtrl> new_single_pool <pool-name> <owner-address>


Activates the single pool specified by <pool-name>

MyTonCtrl> activate_single_pool <pool-name>

Wallet management

Importing a wallet

MyTonCtrl2 supports various types of wallet-like contracts, including wallet-v1, wallet-v3, lockup-wallet, and others. Often, it provides a straightforward way to interact with these contracts.

Importing Using a Private Key

If you have access to a private key, you can easily import a wallet:

MyTonCtrl> iw <wallet-addr> <wallet-secret-key>

Here, <wallet-secret-key> is your private key in base64 format.

Importing Using a Mnemonic Phrase

If you have a mnemonic phrase (a sequence of 24 words like tattoo during ...), follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Clone and install mnemonic2key:
    git clone https://github.com/ton-blockchain/mnemonic2key.git
    cd mnemonic2key
    npm install
  3. Run the following command, replacing word1, word2... with your mnemonic phrase and address with the address of your wallet contract:
    node index.js word1 word2 ... word24 [address]
  4. The script will generate wallet.pk and wallet.addr. Rename them to imported_wallet.pk and imported_wallet.addr.
  5. Copy both files to the ~/.local/share/mytoncore/wallets/ directory.
  6. Open the mytonctrl console and list the wallets using the wl command.
  7. Verify that the wallet has been imported and displays the correct balance.
  8. You can now send funds using the mg command. Enter mg to view the help documentation. Remember to replace placeholders (words inside < >) with your actual values when running commands.

Show the list of wallets

MyTonCtrl> wl

Create a new local wallet

Also you can create new empty wallet:

MyTonCtrl> nw <workchain-id> <wallet-name> [<version> <subwallet>]

Activate a local wallet

If you want to use wallet it have to be activated:

MyTonCtrl> aw <wallet-name>

But before activating, send 1 Toncoin to wallet:

MyTonCtrl> wl 
Name Status Balance Ver Wch Address
validator_wallet_001 active 994.776032511 v1 -1 kf_dctjwS4tqWdeG4GcCLJ53rkgxZOGGrdDzHJ_mxPkm_Xct
wallet_004 uninit 0.0 v1 0 0QBxnZJq4oHVFs4ban3kJ5qllM1IQo57lIx8QP69Ue9A6Kbs

MyTonCtrl> mg validator_wallet_001 0QBxnZJq4oHVFs4ban3kJ5qllM1IQo57lIx8QP69Ue9A6Kbs 1

Then activate it:

MyTonCtrl> aw wallet_004
ActivateWallet - OK

MyTonCtrl> wl
Name Status Balance Ver Wch Address
validator_wallet_001 active 994.776032511 v1 -1 kf_dctjwS4tqWdeG4GcCLJ53rkgxZOGGrdDzHJ_mxPkm_Xct
wallet_004 active 0.998256399 v1 0 kQBxnZJq4oHVFs4ban3kJ5qllM1IQo57lIx8QP69Ue9A6Psp

Get the sequence number of the wallet

MyTonCtrl> seqno <wallet-name>

Set a wallet version

This command is needed when a modified wallet with interaction methods similar to a regular one is used.

MyTonCtrl> swv <wallet-addr> <wallet-version>

Export a wallet

It's possible to get a certain wallet address and secret key.

MyTonCtrl> ew <wallet-name>

Delete a local wallet

MyTonCtrl> dw <wallet-name>

Account and Transaction commands

Account status

To check account status and its transaction history use the following command:

MyTonCtrl> vas <account-addr>

Account history

To check account transaction history use the following command using the number of listed operations as limit:

MyTonCtrl> vah <account-addr> <limit>

Transfer coins

Transfer coins from local wallet to an account:

MyTonCtrl> mg <wallet-name> <account-addr | bookmark-name> <amount>

Wallet version 'v4' is not supported for the transfering

Transfer coins through a proxy

Transfer coins from local wallet to an account through a proxy:

MyTonCtrl> mgtp <wallet-name> <account-addr | bookmark-name> <amount>

General Pools Commands

There are two types of pools in MyTonCtrl2:

  1. Nominator Pool
  2. Single Nominator Pool

All of them are managed by the following set of commands:

List of pools

MyTonCtrl> pools_list

Delete a pool

MyTonCtrl> delete_pool <pool-name>

Importing a pool

You can create already created pool to the list of local pools:

MyTonCtrl> import_pool <pool-name> <pool-addr>


You can create an alias (bookmark) for an account address to simplify it usage.

Create a new bookmark

MyTonCtrl> nb <bookmark-name> <account-addr | domain-name>

Show the list of bookmarks

MyTonCtrl> bl

Delete a bookmark

MyTonCtrl> db <bookmark-name> <bookmark-type>

Other mytonctrl commands


Show offers list

Format nameFormatDescription
No argumentsolPrints the table with the hashes reduced.
JSON outputol --jsonPrints the JSON representation of data.
Full hash outputol hashPrints the table with full hashes.
JSON with full hashol --json hashPrints the JSON representation of data. The "hash" argument has no effect in this case.


Retrieves the offer diff

MyTonCtrl> od [offer-hash]


Show election entries list

Format nameFormatDescription
No argumentselPrints the table with ADNL, Pubkey, and Wallet reduced.
Any combination of following argsel --json adnl pubkey wallet pastFull ADNL, Pubkey, Wallet, and past election entries in JSON representation.

Descriptions for each arg:

  • --json: Prints the JSON representation of data.
  • past: Includes past election entries.
  • adnl: Prints full ADNL.
  • pubkey: Prints full Pubkey.
  • wallet: Prints full Wallet.


Show active validators

Format nameFormatDescription
No argumentsvlPrints the table with ADNL, Pubkey, and Wallet reduced.
Any combination of following argsvl --json adnl pubkey wallet pastFull ADNL, Pubkey, Wallet, and past validator entries in JSON representation.

Descriptions for each arg:

  • --json: Prints the JSON representation of data.
  • past: Includes past validator entries.
  • adnl: Prints full ADNL.
  • pubkey: Prints full Pubkey.
  • wallet: Prints full Wallet.
  • offline: Excludes online validators.


Show complaints list

Format nameFormatDescription
No argumentsclPrints the table with ADNL reduced.
Any combination of following argscl --json adnl pastFull ADNL with past complaints in JSON representation.

Descriptions for each parameter:

  • --json: Prints the JSON representation of data.
  • past: Includes past complaints.
  • adnl: Prints full ADNL.



prints all available commands


clear terminal


exit from mytoninstaller terminal


prints Services status (of Full node, Mytoncore, V.console, Liteserver) and node arguments


Format nameFormatDescription
Add or replace argset_node_argument [-ARG_NAME] [ARG_VALUE]Add argument or replace it value if it exists. -ARG_NAME must have - or -- at the beginning
Delete argset_node_argument [-ARG_NAME] -dDelete argument from list.

Possible arguments:

Node argument nameDescriptionDefault value
threadscount of threadscpus count - 1
daemonizeNo value
global-configpath to global config/usr/bin/ton/global.config.json
dbpath to database/var/ton-work/db/
lognamepath to logs/var/ton-work/log
state-ttlttl of blockchain states that node keep3600
archive-ttlttl of blocks node stores2592000 if liteserver mode was enabled during installation process, otherwise 86400


Enable one of the modes, for ton-http-api creates config

MyTonInstaller> enable <MODE_NAME>

Modes can have following names:

  • FN - Full Node
  • VC - Validator Console
  • LS - Lite Server
  • DS - DHT Server
  • JR - Jsonrpc
  • LSP - ls proxy
  • TSP - TON storage + TON storage provider


Same as enable of mytoninstaller


Print liteserver config


"ip": 1111111111,
"port": 11111,
"id": {
"@type": "pub.ed25519",
"key": "UURGaaZZjsBbKHvnrBqslHerXYbMCVDKdswKNJvAHkc="


Create local config file

Print ls proxy config


Do nothing for now, on development stage


Dangerous recovery validator config file


Set a password for the web admin interface, runs python3 /usr/src/mtc-jsonrpc/mtc-jsonrpc.py -p.

See Also